Auto claim? No worries.
We're here to help you.

“我真的很期待提交汽车索赔,”从来没有人说, after an accident. You’ve got better things to do. 所以我们让这个过程变得又快又简单——即使是在数字化的时候. 使用我们的应用程序或登录您的帐户来检查您的索赔状态, upload documents, set up direct-deposit, communicate with your Claims team, get notifications, and more. 无论你在哪里,只要你喜欢. 这是State Farm®帮助您重新上路,继续生活的另一种方式.

Five steps, zero potholes


Tell us what happened

File online, with our app, or by calling 800-SF-Claim (800-732-5246) anytime, day or night.

We’ll check it out

你的要求和其他任何人都不一样. 所以我们会回顾一下,让你知道发生了什么,接下来会发生什么.


Get an estimate

Use a Select Service shop, or any shop you like. In a big hurry? Use our mobile app’s virtual estimator.


We’ll make the payments



Buckle up, the road is calling!

我们的过程很简单,但不要让它阻止你庆祝. 毕竟,你选择了州立农场,对吧?

Things to think about

提出索赔使您的保单生效. 这就是为什么你首先需要pp王者电子官网的原因,对吧?

Policy benefits may include:

  • Payment for vehicle repairs
  • Rental coverage
  • Payment for medical bills
  • 如果你在事故中有过错,责任pp王者电子官网

Still have questions? Talk it over with your State Farm agent.

You can file your auto & 摩托车索赔可以打电话,但是 filing online or with our app is fast and easy:

  • Be in control – check the status of your claim, upload photos and other documents, set up direct-deposit, communicate with your Claims team, get electronic notifications, and more.
  • Find a repair shop -选择修理店是你的,但要记住我们的 Select Service 商店提供保证完成日期和有限的终身保修.
  • Select a rental -如果您的保单中包含租金pp王者电子官网, 当你的车还在店里的时候,你可以选择一辆替代的车来使用.
  • Complete a virtual estimate – it’s fast and easy.
  • Take it easy -我们的移动应用程序可让您随时随地访问理赔信息并完成任务, whenever you like.


  • Date and time of incident
  • Vehicles involved
  • Description of the incident
  • Description of damages
  • Location of incident

It might. 在决定保费增加时可能考虑的因素:

  • Who was at fault for the accident
  • Accident frequency
  • Driving history
  • Amount of damage to other property

帮助降低利率的一种方法是通过我们的 Drive Safe and Save® program.

如果你的pp王者电子官网单上有租车pp王者电子官网,我们会帮你支付租车的费用. Here’s a quick way to find out:

  • 检查你的州立农场pp王者电子官网卡.
  • Look for “Coverages".
  • 如果这一行字符中有一个“R”,那就意味着你有租车pp王者电子官网.

这要视具体情况而定,但我们已经尽力使这个过程尽可能简单. 你甚至可以在网上提交和检查你的索赔,这是一种快速了解其状态的方法.

Also, email and text alerts can keep you in the loop, 这样你就可以密切关注你的索赔了, 看看你是否有任务要完成.

Yes! Get our mobile app or log in to your account and you can:

  • Manage your claim – check the status of your claim, upload photos and other documents, set up direct-deposit, communicate with your Claims team, get electronic notifications, and more.
  • Find a repair shop -选择修理店是你的,但要记住我们的 Select Service 商店提供保证完成日期和有限的终身保修.
  • Select a rental -如果您的保单中包含租金pp王者电子官网, 当你的车还在店里的时候,你可以选择一辆替代的车来使用.
  • Complete a virtual estimate – It’s fast and easy.
  • Take it easy -我们的移动应用程序可让您随时随地访问理赔信息并完成任务, whenever you like.

免赔额是指你必须自付的金额. 你可以在你的州立农场pp王者电子官网卡上找到你的免赔额 logging in to your account, and on our mobile app. You can also ask your State Farm agent.

No two claims are alike, 因此,在不了解细节的情况下,我们无法告诉您预计等待付款的时间

我们只能说,我们会尽快解决你们的索赔问题, 以您的保单条款和条件为准.

24-hr. emergency roadside assistance

We offer:

  • Towing
  • Locksmith services
  • Gas or oil delivery
  • Jumpstart
  • Tire change
  • More
Get assistance

Frequently asked questions


  • Date and time of incident
  • Vehicles involved
  • Description of the incident
  • Description of damages
  • Location of incident

您可能需要填写并提交一份 人身伤害保护(PIP)和/或医疗支付pp王者电子官网(MPC)表格. 你的州立农场理赔律师可以帮忙.

With virtual estimation 你可以用手机快速轻松地捕捉到车辆损坏的图像. Use the State Farm mobile app 上传照片和其他文件.

如果你想让修理店修理你的车,那没问题. But if your shop isn’t a Select Service 购物时,你可能会错过一些很棒的福利,包括:

  • Guaranteed completion dates
  • 书面的,在全国范围内实行的终身保修
  • 维修完成后,由State Farm直接付款给商店

注:这只包含了可获得的pp王者电子官网范围的一般描述,而不是合同的陈述. 所有pp王者电子官网均受所有保单条款和适用背书的约束. 欲了解更多信息,请咨询您的州立农场代理.